Thursday, 13 December 2012

Developing the human characters... [IN PROGRESS]

Page from sketchbook.
Before starting to go into too much detail with the humans, I needed to give myself a checklist of what criteria my human characters need to fit. After my long-winded, loose ends challenge with Nikahrat, I need to cut out as many distracting avenues as possible. This is not only to save time, but I have now realised that because I feel so passionately about this project, story and characters, my ideas are very clear. Once I have an idea, it seems to pretty much fit into my final outcome vision with little alteration.
I can confidently say it is at this point I feel I can trust my instinct and it won't let me down!

Human characters' criteria:

  1. Take into account their height. They stand around the height of Nikahrat's shins.
  2. Facial expressions. They need to look ignorant/arrogant and miserable, like they think they have the whole world on their shoulders.
  3. Body shape and clothing. How to exaggerate certain features and how can the clothes affect the appearance of the body shape.
  4. (Linked to body and clothes) The style of line work needs to oppose Nikahrat's soft and fluid curves.
Female and Male characters.
Rough photoshop to show humans compared to the Nikahrat.

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